The lungs
Take in the air around us
And separate out life-giving oxygen
Sending it on into the blood
And releasing built-up carbon dioxide.
The lungs
Give us the action of breathing
A focus for meditation exercises
Providing perspective
On our privileged place in the world
The stomach
Takes in nourishment
And speeds it on its way throughout the body
Transforming it into those parts
That are helpful and those that are not.
The stomach
Reacts to images
Of injustice and cruelty in the world
Prompting us to take action
To help those who are in need.
The heart
Pumps all the blood
Around the vast network of veins in our body
Reaching every extremity
Keeping us going day by day.
The heart
Feels compassion for others
Makes us reach out to those far away from us
In corners of the world
That need warmth and love.
The brain
Receives vital messages
From every far-flung part of the body
Controlling each impulse
Enabling thought.
The brain
Reasons and analyses
Pinpointing the areas where help is most needed
Allowing us to figure out
Where best to send our aid.
The skin
Sheds itself constantly
In an endless cycle of renewal and regrowth
Holding everything together
Regulating heat.
The skin
Is a conduit
Allowing us to connect with other people
Touching their lives
Helping to make the world better.
These are the organs of donation.