Weeknotes – S03E42 – Still Lacking Focus


Still not a huge amount of progress on the writing front, despite some scheduled sessions with other people. I’m really struggling to focus for long periods at the moment.



I watched a film and wrote notes both for a fanfiction challenge and the podcast.

I then wrote my fanfiction for the Space Swap Space Race and my script for the podcast episode.

I caught up on reviews from over the weekend.



I met Hannah after work for a writing session and did some planning for upcoming submission opportunities.

I also wrote a review of the audiobook I finished earlier in the day.

Hannah and I talked about how unfocused we’ve been recently and how our sessions (when they actually happen) mostly just involve chatting about writing and not actually doing any. Previously, this hasn’t been so much of a problem for me because I usually have upwards of an hour to work on stuff before she arrives. But for a couple of the recent ones, I’ve actually cancelled on her and last night I just ate dinner and read my book before we got there. So, we planned ahead for all the sessions we can do between now and the end of November, and made a promise to each other that we’d try harder on supporting each other on the writing front.



Today was a writing session with Ann, which is generally much more productive, as they are longer and we are definitely more focused. It also helps that they always take place on my day off so I haven’t had a whole day in the office beforehand.

So, I started off with this month’s GYWO discussion, then went through three old stories to edit them to fit upcoming submission opportunities.

I made some notes for a flash fiction competition and also for some more drabbles.



I helped Bear with his latest post.


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