Weeknotes – S08E28 – Starting to Wind Down


It feels like I’m winding down before going away, even though I don’t leave until the end of the coming week! Still, a fair amount done on various fronts.



I did more copy editing on Carla’s novel and Amie’s client novel.

After lunch, I used the Revision Club focus session to edit the most recent episode of the podcast.



This is not usually a working day for me, but I took Monday off to enjoy a glorious day at Wimbledon, so I decided to catch up by working today instead.

I edited the penultimate section of Carla’s novel and continued with Amie’s client novel in the morning.

After lunch, I had organised a focus session with a few lovely friends, which is always a good way to make sure I get some stuff done, at least, in the afternoon…

So, I finished the CIEP Plain English course for, then did the next instalment of my current solo RPG, The Last Tea Shop.



I finished editing Carla’s novel and sent her manuscript back to her. I also got past the halfway mark on Amie’s client novel, which felt satisfying.

Later, I posted my GYWO discussion for the month and started editing the latest episode of the podcast.

I also applied to upgrade my CIEP membership to Professional level, which was a major goal for 2024 and I’ve reached the bare minimum of requirements much more quickly than I expected (about six months after originally joining). It will all be down to whether or not the CIEP judge my publisher client references as ‘eligible’. If they accept one of them, I can complete one more training course and reapply for the upgrade. But if they reject both, I basically can’t upgrade at all, because it’s not likely I’ll ever complete 50 hours of work for a ‘traditional’ publisher client. But hey – I figured I might as well punt for it and see what happens!



Stanley and I recorded and edited 12 new Stanley’s Saturday Support videos for his Instagram account. That brought our total up to 52, which means we can now cycle them and they’ll only repeat once every two years!

It felt great to complete the set and not have to worry about recording any more for a while.

Later, I edited the most recent episode of the podcast and worked on my solo podcast episode series for a bit as well.



I finished a cute little computer game and wrote my review.


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