Weeknotes – S08E35 – New Writing Support Group

Summary: A bit light on the work front, but some unexpected repeat clients popping up to tide me over. Great writing solidarity from friends and good progress on the new novel, despite a lack of motivation.   Monday: I’d spent the last four days on a solo reading retreat, completing four whole books, so I […]

Self-Publishing Woes

While this blog post is quite negative, I very strongly acknowledge that I am in an extremely lucky position in a lot of ways, including regarding my writing. Also, a large number of people have gone out of their way to help and support me on my writing journey (including this latest stage), and I’m […]

Weeknotes – S08E34 – Self-Publishing Stress

Summary: Very little paid editing work but that’s okay, lots of freeglancing but that’s okay too. Progress on my latest novel and self-publishing my first – tough but worth it?   Monday: Two of my writer friends sent me drafts of their latest books to review over the weekend, so I slotted them into the […]

Weeknotes – S08E32 – Novel Going Well

Summary: Lots of good progress on my latest novel, which is great. Plus, teetering on the brink of a big paid editing project – just waiting for the client to press go!   Monday: It felt a bit more like I was back in the usual swing of things today – though a couple of […]

Weeknotes – S08E31 – Back to Reality

Summary: Back to reality after being on retreat – always a difficult transition. But softened by having interesting paid work to do and being enthusiastic about embarking on the first draft of my new novel.   Monday: It was back to reality today, after a glorious week away on retreat. I had plenty of paid […]

New Approach to Novel Writing

I’ve been writing novels for over ten years now, which is pretty wild to think about!   I’m calling my latest one number seven – though four has only reached novella length and six was non-fiction. Still, that’s quite a few, so you’d think I’d know what I was doing by now…   But no! […]

Weeknotes – S08E30 – Second retreat!

Summary: My second retreat was also great – and I finished outlining my new novel! I also lined up some great new paid editing projects to start on my return to real life, which was great.   Monday: Today was a travelling day – taxi from Tall Trees to Castle Cary, train back to Paddington, […]

Reviews Revisited – The Bone Season

This is a transcript of my most recent podcast episode – you can listen to it here.   Hello and welcome to Resurrected Reviews Revisited, part of the Will You Still Love It Tomorrow podcast. I’m Annie and, in each Reviews episode, I pick something I’ve reviewed sometime since 2005, reread or rewatch it, and […]