Weeknotes – S03E35 – Slowing Down Again

Summary: My awesome motivation levels and resulting productivity have taken a nose-dive this week, But that’s okay. I’m enjoying spending more time on reviews and I’m doing a lot of editing work for other people, which makes an interesting change.   Monday: After ignoring Colours for weeks, I finally got around to editing the first […]

Weeknotes – S03E34 – Lots of Reviewing

Summary: Lots of reviews, rather than actual fiction writing, but at least I’m doing proper, in-depth reviews rather than only a couple of lines. I realised part of the problem was that I was trying to avoid spoilers, so I’ve given up on that now and find I have a lot more to say about […]

Weeknotes – S03E33 – Still On A Roll

Summary: Second seven-day writing week in a row – apparently, I’m turning into Stephen King! I completely disagree with his view that you have to write every day to be a “proper” writer, but I’ll go along with my brain’s enthusiasm if that’s what it actually wants to do!   Monday: I went to a […]

A New Medium For Creativity

A few weeks ago, I was talking to Dave one evening and said something that made him laugh a lot. Out of the blue, he said, “We’re really funny. We should do a podcast.” I don’t think he was being serious, but the idea took root in my brain and just would not let go. […]

Weeknotes – S03E32 – Back To A Daily Habit

Summary: Another week where I wasn’t planning on doing much writing, but I ended up doing at least something every day, so my brain is obviously firing on all cylinders!   Monday: I brainstormed a couple of new stories a bit more and looked up an old Hour of Writes entry that could serve as […]

Weeknotes – S03E31 – More Creative Than Expected

Summary:   Still feeling more enthused about writing than I expected. Still enjoying getting back to new short pieces after all the time spent on both novels.   Monday:   I used a tried and tested method of getting some writing done today. I booked a doctor’s appointment at 9:15am and a cinema ticket for […]

Weeknotes – S03E29 – Continuing Apace

Summary: Very much on the home stretch for the first draft of Colours. I’m looking forward to taking a break from huge projects and working on some smaller stuff for the rest of the year.   Monday:   I went into town early and ensconced myself at Picturehouse Central with the intention of getting back […]

Weeknotes – S03E28 – The End is Nigh!

Summary: The end is definitely in sight for the Colours first draft and I had lots of interesting and useful writing experiences this week.   Tuesday: I met Kate at Highbury Fields and was interviewed for The Book Club Review podcast, then made my way to Canada Water and The Lodge Cafe to use the […]

What If It’s No Good?

My friend Charlie, who co-runs the Six Month Novel Programme, has a mantra for the writers she helps. When writing a first draft, give yourself permission to be “gloriously craptastic”. The most important thing is to get the words down on the page. You can edit later. Because, if you get caught up in doubts, […]