Biting Off More Than I Can Chew?

I thrive on variety. I do my best work when I have multiple projects on the go and can switch between them at will. If I get bored with or stuck on one thing, my brain will likely come up with ideas on how to progress with something else. This helps me to keep working […]

Weeknotes S03E03 – Lots of Planning

Summary:   Glad to be maintaining a daily habit, but I do feel as if I’m doing a lot of planning and a lot of noodling around, but not really actually getting on with anything substantial. Hopefully that will change next week with some proper scheduled writing sessions with other people.   Monday:   Made […]

Writing Goals for 2019!

It’s a brand new year! And, no matter how arbitrary that may be, that means goal-setting. And I have big plans for 2019. So much so, that I’m going to write them down here for all to see (though I reserve the right to discover they are wildly unrealistic later…).   First of all, by […]

Weeknotes – S02E51 – 2018 Wrap-Up

Summary:   I’m pleased overall with my 2018 writing. I revised my first novel and got a good response from submitting it. I worked on my second novel and have a plan for taking it forwards. I wrote several really good short stories and got a fair few published. I found paid work in the […]

Weeknotes – S02E49 – Plague!

Summary: Being ill sucks. No writing (or much of anything) for me in the first half of the week, though I did manage some bits and pieces in the second half, in between all the coughing and nose-blowing.   Thursday: I started out by reading a blog post about maintaining your writing habit, which I […]

Weeknotes – S02E48 – Tailing Off…

Summary: Not a very productive week. Mostly just admin and reviews.   Monday: I met Ann at our old stomping grounds in Brick Lane, and started out with a blog post about the benefits of fanfiction, which got picked up and retweeted by the creators of Fanatical: The Sci-Fi Convention Musical. Then I faffed around […]