Weeknotes – S06E32 – Interrupted by Trip Away

Summary: I did manage one full day of both paid editing and working on my own writing projects this week! I was away Thursday through Sunday, though, so that’s not bad overall!   Monday: I worked mostly on the fantasy novel for my writing retreat friend today, though I also edited a chapter of the […]

Weeknotes – S06E31 – Creativity Re-emerging

Summary: I feel like I’m gradually getting back into the swing of things, both on the work and the writing front!   Tuesday: I finished editing the courtroom novella and sent it back to the author, who was very happy with the outcome. I also managed to add a bit more to the Meditations manuscript, […]

Post-Covid Fatigue

When I went on retreat at the start of June, I was fresh from completing the latest draft of novel number three, and I had two fantastic new book ideas I was really looking forward to working on while I was away. That retreat week was phenomenal – I constructed a full chapter outline for […]

Weeknotes – S06E30 – Getting There Slowly

Summary: Good progress on paid client work, and enough work set up for next month, which is good. Still a bit slow on getting back to my own writing projects, but gradually chugging along.   Monday: I finally made it back to the cafe after more than three weeks away. Getting up in the morning […]

Weeknotes – S06E27 – Pretty Much A Bust

Summary: We were on holiday most of the week, then came home with Covid… Luckily, my upcoming client projects have long deadlines so I don’t have to start them right away. But I haven’t worked on either of my books since coming back from retreat over four weeks ago…   Monday: Dave and I completed […]

Weeknotes – S06E26 – Clearing the Decks

Summary: I finished all my current client editing projects, ready to go on holiday! I had tentative plans to work on my own projects on the train up to Edinburgh, but it turned out I’d rather play Stardew Valley… Ah well, that’s what holidays are for, right?   Monday: Back to the cafe today, with […]

New Outlining Process

When I wrote my first novel, I had no idea what I was doing.   I started with a 1,500-word short story and just expanded it in both directions, figuring things out as I went along, with no plan. After five years, I had a completed first draft (after a fashion) and it took five […]