Weeknotes – S03E19 – Back to the Short Form

Summary: I can just about claim another 7-day writing streak this week. I’m also pleased with my completion/submissions rate and feeling enthusiastic about some short story ideas in development.   Monday: Just doing bits of writing at home today. I cut down a travel writing article to fit a competition and submitted it.   Tuesday: […]

Weeknotes – S03E18 – Many and Varied Progressions

Summary:   I wrote every day this week and worked on projects in all five of my tracked categories – novels, fanfiction, competitions, non-fiction and blogging. A well-rounded and productive week.   Monday:   With a theatre trip planned later in the day, I took myself off to Picturehouse Central for a whole day of […]

Novel Switching

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been very good at keeping to my schedule for both novels. I intend to send the revised Artisan back to the publisher by the end of May and I’m already two thirds of the way through. The Six Month Novel Programme gives me a detailed schedule for Colours and […]

Weeknotes – S03E17 – Novel Slogging

Summary: Mostly slogging away at the novels this week, plus some reviews. But there are short stories ideas percolating, which may turn into something soon. Monday: A whole day at home to work on projects, so I set my sights high. I assigned myself Chapters Seventeen and Eighteen of Artisan and the next three scenes […]

Weeknotes – S03E16 – Good Intentions

Summary: Lots of good intentions for lengthy writing sessions and really getting back into good habits this week. But I mostly just did my required work on the novels and called it quits.   Monday: I identified the ten scenes in Artisan that would most benefit from Hannah’s sharp editing pen and sent them to […]

Weeknotes – S03E15 – Keeping to the Plan

Summary: I’m keeping up with the plan for both novels, but not much else. But that’s okay, as they are the most important projects at the moment and are taking a lot of energy.   Monday: I tried another writing day at home and started out with submissions, since that’s always much easier on a […]

Competition Shortlist!

This month’s Writing Magazine had me shortlisted in the Mid-Sentence Competition, which was a lovely surprise. I had hoped my story might do well, since I was very pleased with it, but it was quite bizarre and Writing Magazine are usually fairly mainstream in their choices for competition winners. So shortlisted is very satisfying and […]