Weeknotes – S03E13 – Double Novel Progress!

Summary: Two really productive days of writing this week, with some other useful bits and pieces in between. Plus, I have formulated reasonable plans for finishing both novels. The slump is definitely over!   Monday: I wrote reviews for the weekend’s reading retreat. I also did some planning for later in the week.   Thursday: […]

Weeknotes – S03E11 – The End of a Trend

Summary: This was the inevitable week when daily writing became a chore rather than a positive source of motivation. So, I let it go.   Monday: I caught up on reviews and also looked at the worksheets for the first two weeks of the Six Month Novel Programme plotting boot camp. Then I did a […]

Experiencing the Inevitable Slump

I had such a great start to the year, I guess it was inevitable that it wouldn’t last.   In the space of two months, I developed a daily writing habit, wrote six new short stories and two articles, took part in multiple short fanfic challenges, got high praise from someone I respect for my […]

Weeknotes – S03E10 – Structural Wranglings

Summary: Trying to sort out the structure for a novel with four viewpoints and four separate timelines turns out to be quite complicated! Definitely time to stop tweaking and actually write the thing now, though…   Monday: I wrote a review.   Tuesday: I realised the new structure for Colours wouldn’t work so I rethought […]

Weeknotes – S03E09 – The Wonders of Stickwick!

Summary: Ah, Stickwick! The writing retreat of champions! Five new short pieces completed, lots of brainstorming and a ton of structural work on the second novel. A very productive week.   Monday: I was up early so I found homes for a few unassigned pieces, sending them back out into the world for judgement. On […]

Learning From Reading

I’m gearing up to take part in the Six Month Novel Programme, which starts next week. One of the first tasks you have to undertake is to select what is called a ‘companion novel’ to read. You’re supposed to choose something that contains an aspect of writing you want to work on in your own […]

Weeknotes – S03E07 – Fighting Through Pain

Summary: I did something unfortunate to my neck over the weekend so had difficulty focusing and being productive this week, but I still wrote or planned or organised or brainstormed at least a little bit every day, and that’s very definitely a win.   Monday: I had to wait in for a delivery so I […]

Weeknotes S03E06 – Chipping Away Bit By Bit

Summary: Lots of minor progress on a variety of both big and small projects. Still a bit scattered, but I’m pleased I’m maintaining my daily writing habit.   Monday: Back to The Turk’s Head in Wapping for a session with Ann today, which evoked memories of sitting outside in the sun all last summer. I […]