Rest Is Productive

  Most of the humans I know thrive on feeling productive.   No matter what kind of paid work they do or don’t do, they also find time for plenty of other projects.   They set themselves challenges for all sorts of things – finding geocaches, knitting a certain amount every month, reading as many […]


  Quite a few years ago now, my human, Annie, signed up for a freewriting workshop with Clare Pearce from Write For Your Life – and she discovered that it’s a fantastic exercise for tackling all sorts of things!   Freewriting is where you just write whatever comes into your head for a certain period […]

Finding the Good

  Every human I know (and some bears!) has struggles they have to face in their lives. And, no matter how large or small they may seem when compared to those of others, they are still struggles and however you feel about them is valid.   That said, a positive mindset has been proven to […]

Being Intentional With Your Time

Do you ever find yourself rushing around, trying to do three things at once and never feeling as if you have time to take a breath? And then, when you do finally stop and take a rest, you fall into patterns of scrolling social media or binge-watching whatever you happen to find first on your […]

Challenging the Narrative

Do you ever find yourself overwhelmed by thoughts about things you haven’t done, tasks you haven’t achieved, how little you’ve managed to accomplish during a certain time period? I know my human, Annie, does – and it seems to me as if a lot of people have these kinds of thoughts running through their head […]

Ego-Dystonic Thoughts

Do you ever find yourself in a situation where you’re minding your own business and suddenly your brain presents you with a horrible image of something terrible happening? Or even of you actually doing something terrible to yourself or someone else? Well, don’t worry – because you’re not alone – and it doesn’t mean you’re […]

Setting the Smallest Goal

Do you ever find that you set your expectations on yourself too high? The humans I know always seem to be so busy, always trying to get so much done in the shortest possible time. But that just makes them feel overwhelmed by their to-do list and then they feel like failures when they don’t […]

Releasing Expectations

  Do you ever find yourself imagining what a particular future event or gathering or outing will be like? I expect everyone does! And finding joy in anticipating the future is a lovely way to add happiness to your daily life. But sometimes, putting expectations on things can cause problems.   My humans have often […]

Nothing Much Happens

  Today’s blog is a bit of a departure, since it’s a recommendation of a podcast my human, Annie, has been getting huge benefits from recently (they’re not sponsoring this in any way – we just love it!).   Do you ever have trouble getting to sleep, or wake up in the middle of the […]

Listening Rather Than Fixing

Do you ever get annoyed when you complain about something to a friend and they immediately jump in with a solution to the problem? You might think offering advice to someone who is struggling with something would always be the right thing – but sometimes it’s best just to listen instead.   I’m sure you’ve […]