In Print – Prize To Come?

My story, The Decision, has been printed in this quarter’s Scribble Magazine!  Each issue has ten stories on any theme, and the readers write in with their comments, including their top three picks for that issue.  The comment letters get printed in the next issue, and the three stories with the most votes get a prize, so I shall be awaiting September’s issue eagerly!

Interestingly, I don’t think The Decision is one of my best pieces of writing.  I’ve sent other stories to Scribble in the past, but the editor rejected them.  I think it may have been a genre issues, since the other two stories I sent were both fantasy, and The Decision is very much contemporary, as it’s about a teenage girl making an important choice in gym class.  So, this publication was a triumph in assessing my target market and sending the most appropriate story (even if it took me three tries!).

I shall do an update in September when I get the feedback and find out if I come in the top three reader-chosen stories!

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