The Butterfly Effect

So, it turns out that networking is an interesting thing, which seems to generate more and more of itself, the more you do…


Which I guess makes sense – but the level to which it’s working out for me at the moment is quite astonishing!


I was thinking about putting together an email list with a monthly update about various writing and editing things I’m doing, and thought it might be a good idea to scope out what others were putting in theirs, to give me some ideas.


I cannot now remember (which is really annoying) how I came across it, but I signed up to the newsletter of another writer/editor – and the first instalment I received mentioned an online asynchronous editing unconference they were running.


So, I signed up.


That took place over a week in October and I connected with lots of really lovely other freelance editors, noted down lots of interesting resources, and generally had a good time engaging in discussions about my business.


As part of the unconference, I entered a giveaway and won a place on a networking course for editors, which ran from the second half of November.


I also prompted the organiser to keep the Slack community open and volunteered to be part of a smaller group who would commit to monthly check-ins and discussions to keep the community going between conferences. This seems to be going quite well so far…


One of the other people at the conference mentioned another Slack community of editors, which I also joined and have subsequently volunteered as a moderator for.


My third new Slack community of editors is linked to the networking course – so now I have three! There is some overlap, but they are all distinct and have all led to other opportunities I wouldn’t otherwise have had.


One of the members of the conference Slack pointed me towards a networking event that took place at the Tate Britain a couple of weeks ago, which I attended and which was interesting, if not particularly useful (though it did result in a few new Instagram followers for Stanley and I was proud of myself for actually going).


Lots of people there have also encouraged me to finally join the CIEP, which I’m going to do in January (because you get 14 months for the price of 12) and which will likely lead to more connections and more opportunities.


From the Slack community I’m moderating for, I have found two more direct clients (other editors who were looking for someone to edit their novel/novella) for work in January, as well as a few other leads that might turn into projects. I’ve also met someone I may well ask to edit my next novel, once I get around to actually writing it.


I’ve also got work from one of the editors in the networking group, as well as signing up to attend the Women in Publishing Summit in March (which will involve more networking). The networking course also talked about business mastermind groups being a good idea – and I may have the opportunity to join one that’s already been set up by one of the other editors I’ve met on Slack.


I’ve signed up for newsletters by several other people who offer free resources about writing, editing and marketing, so I’m collecting all of those and hoping I’ll somehow find the time to go through some of them before too long!


Other tips and advice from the networking course have prompted me to email all the other writers in my current revision workshop group – one of whom is paying me to edit her novel in January, one of whom wants to do a beta reading exchange (which will be useful because I will need more feedback when I’ve revised my current novel) and the third of whom says she’ll definitely consider my paid editing services next year, when she’s ready for more feedback.


So, I signed up for one email newsletter – and all of these amazing things have happened! I’ve found friends, clients, resources, confidence, new strategies, and made lots of plans for a great deal more networking and marketing activity in the near future!

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