New Work Ethic…?

October and the first half of November were very slow on the work front for me. It’s not something I’ve experienced as a freelancer before – and it makes me realise how very lucky I’ve been with my editing business so far.   It was very easy to begin with to just let everything slide […]

Weeknotes – S07E48 – Busy, Busy…

Summary: A bit hit and miss this week – I did a lot of paid work (yay!) but I also got stressed and overwhelmed about all the other things that necessarily fell by the wayside (boo!).   Monday: Today was a sad day because the courier came to take my lovely little laptop away for […]

Weeknotes – S07E47 – Reframing Required

Summary: The new improved work ethic is definitely helping me get more done (and paid work is picking up again, which is awesome) but it’s also making me feel under pressure and a bit overwhelmed, so I think I still need to think about framing it in the best way – but still, a good […]

Listening Rather Than Fixing

Do you ever get annoyed when you complain about something to a friend and they immediately jump in with a solution to the problem? You might think offering advice to someone who is struggling with something would always be the right thing – but sometimes it’s best just to listen instead.   I’m sure you’ve […]

Weeknotes – S07E46 – New Improved Work Ethic

Summary: Very up-and-down week – Covid put paid to my writing retreat plans but I successfully implemented a new, improved work ethic and got lots done anyway!   Monday: Aaaaaaand the morning of supposedly going on writing retreat – I tested positive for Covid! So, no retreat for me… On the plus side, my symptoms […]

Weeknotes – S07E45 – Divided Work Ethic

Summary: I certainly got lots of paid work done this week – not so great on my own projects – my work ethic only seems to extend to things with money/external deadlines attached!   Monday: Definite requirement to resurrect my work ethic today, as I had lots of paid work to do, as well as […]

Weeknotes – S07E43 – Must Try Harder

Summary: My work ethic has definitely taken a nose-dive again, despite external accountability strategies – must try harder!   Monday: I edited the next chapter of the spiritual book and also went through a submission package for a women’s fiction novel in detail. Dave and I also looked at extracts from another book to analyse […]

The Hermeneutics of Generosity

A while ago, Annie and I were introduced to an interesting and helpful concept – the Hermeneutics of Generosity. It was in a YouTube video by author, John Green, quoting Dr Paul Farmer, the co-founder of Partners in Health. It’s a great way of circumventing those occasions when you might otherwise get annoyed by people […]