Weeknotes – S04E28 – Writing Every Day

Summary: My editing project for the second novel went more slowly than I’d planned, but I still worked on it every day this week, so I’m pleased with progress overall (though I’m not entirely sold on the idea of focusing on logging any number of words every day just because). I also really enjoyed working […]

Weeknotes – S04E27 – Camp NaNoWriMo begins!

Summary: It’s been a great start to the second half of the year! I’ve cleared all but one of my short projects off my list (and worked out what I’m doing with the last one) to make way for the grand novel revision project. And I’ve processed a lot of great feedback on the novel […]

Weeknotes – S04E26 – Accountability Helps!

Summary: This week was very much a lesson in accountability and scheduling. I had two retreat days where I wanted to get specific tasks done but didn’t really feel like it on the day. But I stated my goals on two separate online communities and that helped me achieve them, even though I wasn’t feeling […]

Weeknotes – S04E24 – Just Another Manic Monday

Summary: Monday has definitely become my most productive writing day, thanks to a great online writing retreat schedule that fits really well with how I like to structure my day.   Monday: I stated my goals on the UWR online session post, which were to continue drafting Suffering and the WIP story, and also to […]

Positive Mental Attitude

Things have been getting hard again. The daily routine has been feeling relentless. The future is still so uncertain. Everything has been seeming to take more energy that I don’t have. I’ve been grumpy and tired and not feeling like being constructive.   But it’s all in my head. And I do know that. But, […]

Weeknotes – S04E23 – Contract Signed!

Summary: More planning and brainstorming and revising this week than actual new words, but a couple of stories completed, lots of submissions done. Oh, and I signed the contract with my publisher for my first novel. So, that happened…   Monday: I logged my goals on the UWR online retreat page, then finalised both Missing […]

Weeknotes – S04E22 – Using External Structure

Summary: Really great progress on the short story front this week, starting from an awesome session with structure provided by Urban Writers Retreat. I’m pleased that I then managed to build on that momentum to continue with the stories throughout the rest of the week. Here’s hoping I can do the same next week!   […]

Weeknotes – S04E21 – The Scattershot Approach

Summary: A bit scattershot this week, and no real progress on any of my current fiction projects. Hey ho. Maybe next week…   Monday: I did some story planning and writing scheduling. I also helped Bear with a post about a submission he made recently to an online magazine. Later, I did some submissions of […]

Weeknotes – S04E20 – Prompts and Reviews

Summary: I rediscovered Seempli this week, which was fun, particularly when I realised I could transform any of the creative challenges into a freewriting prompt. I helped out another writer with comments on the opening of her novel, which felt good. And I kept up with reviews. So, modest accomplishments, but pleasing.   Monday: I […]