You Might As Well Submit It

This month, I’ve had a very good reminder of the value of submitting work for publication.   There was an anthology I was very interested in subitting for, and I came up with what I thought was a good idea for a short story, which might fit what they were looking for. I brainstormed the […]

In Print – Prize To Come?

My story, The Decision, has been printed in this quarter’s Scribble Magazine!  Each issue has ten stories on any theme, and the readers write in with their comments, including their top three picks for that issue.  The comment letters get printed in the next issue, and the three stories with the most votes get a prize, […]

Subscriber Spotlight

I’ve been featured in the Subscriber Spotlight section of this month’s Writing Magazine, which is a delightfully circular experience.  My short story publications are largely due to opportunities listed in Writing Magazine, which now has a piece advertising this site, where I am advertising that piece within Writing Magazine!

Overcoming the Fear of Submission

This is an article I wrote this month for the Get Your Words Out online community:   So, you’re fearful of putting your writing out there into the world… Well, you’re not alone.  Every writer experiences anxiety about letting other people read their work.  Every writer fears rejection and criticism of their work.  The first […]

Major Milestone

I am learning the inevitable lesson that life as a writer, and interaction with the publishing industry in particular, is unpredictable and sometimes frustrating. There were a couple of months over the summer where everything suddenly felt as if it was coming together.  Four of my short stories were accepted for publication, I was offered […]