Customer Service

My story, Customer Service, has been posted in the February 2017 issue of the web-zine, Aphelion. I’m particularly excited about this publication, as this is the original 1,500 word story, from which my debut novel was developed. You can read it here.

Safeguarding the Future

My story, Safeguarding the Future, is part of the Oct-Dec 2016 issue of The Lorelei Signal.  The wonderful piece of art produced for it is by Marge Simon. You can read it here – and, if you like it, you can show your appreciation by donating to the magazine using the Donate button at the […]

The Waiting Room

The room was bright, perhaps a little too bright.  The space was difficult to define, stretching as it did perhaps only a few dozen feet or perhaps to infinity.  The undefined whiteness made it impossible to tell. The five of us sat in a group of comfy armchairs, somewhere in amongst the brightness.  Clay very […]

The End of All Things

I wait.  Formless yet conscious, just beyond the edge of reality.  I know I have a role to fulfil.  The passage of time has no meaning for me yet, but my time will come.  Nothing can remain static forever.  All things change and, when the change comes, I will be ready. There is a shift […]