Summary: Tons of progress and ideas and achievements on all fronts this week, and mostly working on projects because I actually wanted to, rather than it feeling like a chore. Hurrah! Monday: I was up and at my desk by 8am but I had a ton of email to sort through and lots of […]
Author: Annie
Detail-Oriented Debbie
This year, I’ve been having monthly calls with Claire from CP’s Day Off. They are designed as an accountability mechanism, to help writers define their goals, identify obstacles to progress and work towards achievement. All of that is good stuff, though Claire and I are both aware that I’m probably more organised and productive than […]
Weeknotes – S05E16 – Just Getting On With It
Summary: Reasonably steady progress throughout the week, with particularly good sessions at the start and end. Glad to have finished a first draft of a long-ish short story that’s been in my head for weeks. Monday: There was a whole lot of faffing about with booking holidays, sorting admin, updating websites, reading online articles […]
Weeknotes – S05E15 – Weird But Exciting Times
Summary: I have no idea what else happened this week (writing-related or non-writing-related) because contact with a publisher on Thursday and over the weekend pushed everything else into the background. Monday: I got feedback on my TL;DR Flash Fiction Competition entry so I tweaked it a bit and then submitted it. The final version […]
Stuck In Time
My story, Stuck in Time, is included in The Chorochronos Archives from JayHenge Publishing. You can buy a copy here.
Weeknotes – S05E14 – Go, Crew, Go!
Summary: Awesome week on the writing front, with the subconscious crew going absolutely above and beyond on the novel, a longish short story and a flash fiction piece – all without waking me up before 8:30am! Go, crew! Monday: I started out with my Hour of Writes marking for this week’s competition. Then, after […]
Weeknotes – S05E13 – Relinquishing the To-Do List
Summary: Lots of progress on lots of fronts this week, mostly fuelled by relinquishing the to-do list and trying to see my writing projects as things I want to spend time on, rather than obligations I have to get through before I can take time off. It worked really well, so hopefully I can maintain […]
Weeknotes – S05E12 – Progress on All Fronts
Summary: Lots more progress on the third novel, and even a draft of a new flash fiction piece as well, not to mention another podcast episode completed. Go, me! Monday: The subconscious crew started the week with a ton of new ideas for Safeguarding, filling in small (and huge) holes in the plot, working out […]
Weeknotes – S05E11 – Third Novel Well Underway
Summary: Good progress on the third novel, with some other bits and pieces thrown in – though I really want to dedicate some time to a new short story next week. Monday: I broke my usual rule this morning and started out with several submissions and a Bear post, rather than Safeguarding. But, in […]