My Writing Day

Write every day – that’s what we’re told, isn’t it?  It’s the only way to cultivate good writing discipline, and train your mind to see every day as a writing day, no matter what. Well, in order to hit a self-imposed target of 100,000 words written in the first half of 2016, I ended up […]

Preparing to be eviscerated!

There’s a regular column in Writing Magazine, called Under the Microscope, in which author James McCreet analyses the first few hundred words of a reader’s novel. He’s notoriously unflinching in his critique and really gets into the nitty-gritty of what works – and mostly what doesn’t – in those all-important opening paragraphs. Aaaaand, in the November […]

The Benefits of Forced Focus

Writing is a tricky business.  It’s the thing I most want to do with my time, and it’s the thing I least want to do with my time.  This seems to be true of all the writers I know.  We desperately want to create amazing things – and in fact can’t imagine life without writing […]

How It All Began

Way back in October 2010, I signed up for an Open University creative writing course, with a good friend of mine, who is also a writer.  The very first assignment was to write a 1500 word short story, on any theme.  The idea for my story came from a conversation I had with my husband […]

On This Mountain

The slopes of your disdain rise before meRocks strewn about to trip me at every step You say I am worthlessThat I cannot stand on my own You push me down as I struggle to riseLaughing at my aspirations I will climb this mountain without your helpIn spite of your hindrance Under the blue skyEmbraced […]

Organs of Donation

The lungs Take in the air around us And separate out life-giving oxygen Sending it on into the blood And releasing built-up carbon dioxide. The lungs Give us the action of breathing A focus for meditation exercises Providing perspective On our privileged place in the world The stomach Takes in nourishment And speeds it on […]

About Me

I’m a couch potato who does a lot of walking. I’m an introvert who craves adulation. I’m a control freak who doesn’t like being in charge. I care more about what people think of me than I would like to admit, but I sometimes have blue hair anyway. I’m a writer. My ‘real’ job is […]

From the Cold

I knew when the letter came that it was all over for me. I answered the door to a blank-faced man in an immaculate uniform.  He said my name, his voice toneless.  When I nodded, he handed me an envelope, then turned on his heel and walked away.   His appearance and manner told me […]

Who Are You?

Bubbles rising. Air, the stuff of life, escaping to the surface. I remain below, searching the depths for an answer. The water is murky, which feels appropriate, given my state of mind.  The currents swirl like my thoughts, threatening to spin me around and distract me from my purpose. But I know the wreck is […]